Thursday, August 13, 2015

Selfie Sticks: A Selfie Queen's Personal Septor

I've gotten pretty lucky in my reviews. It seems every day, something exciting is being delivered. Sometimes, it's for me to test (serums, face scrubs, Dead Sea Masks..). Then there are other things that are perfect for someone else in my little family. Each delivery is met with a groan and the inevitable question if I got anything for so and so. Some days, it's a little aggravating. But then you get that one product that someone has been wanting and it's like I am the coolest mom on the block.

Selfie Sticks.... Man's invention to prevention. My 12 year old is a self acclaimed "Selfie Queen". Unfortunately this means that some times, the picture shows every pore and pimple that comes with being 12 years old. Thank GOD for the selfie stick. This little device is a lot of fun to use. It's practical for sure. Now she and her girlfriends can take their own group pictures and not have to worry if someone is going to run off with their phones. It's so simple to use once the user gets it set up correctly that several of her friends have used it as well. Small and compact, it's perfect to fit in one's pocket or bag and not be in the way. It also has the durability to stand up to constant use. All in all, it's a great, inexpensive purchase for the Selfie Queen or King in your life.

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