Monday, August 3, 2015

M&M's and all things calming...

I hate weddings. Worse than attending a wedding is planning one... your own. As the bride, you stress on pleasing everyone and making everything do smooth. Give it up, it's not going to happen. EVER. You will forget things, you will get snubbed and talked about. There will always be that someone who isn't please, could have done better, blah blah blah. It's going to happen. I obsess over these same things, daily. Today, in fact, it's the cake serving/cutting sets. I cannot find them. Anywhere. Not in the 5,467 boxes of random stuff I have packed away "to be more organized". My home office is filled with boxes, baskets, and bags. All filled or waiting to be filled with wedding stuff. I know they are in here somewhere, but where??? Of course, I have a 14 month old that is MORE THAN willing to help me unpack and make a mess. He's good at that. Really good. Epic even. But isn't that the way it's supposed to be? Oh, and that pre-wedding diet? HAHAHA. That went out the window with the 3lb bag of M&M's I have ingested since yesterday, in a not so feeble attempt to calm my nerves. I'm freaking out, I know I need to stop. It's ok. It doesn't matter who thinks what, so long and CJ and I love it and love each other. But that doesn't stop help me obsessing over fine details, making list after list to ensure that I don't forget anything. It's how I do. It's all I know to do. No one else matters. Pinterest has been a god-send. Along with helpful friends and my amazing daughter. I couldn't do it without them.

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