Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Simply Earth Peppermint Oil

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Probably one of my most favorite scents, peppermint oil is amazing! I just love it. Not only does it make my house SMELL like my rendition of Christmas, it helps to revitalize the energy in the house and lift everyone's moods. When I run this peppermint alone in the diffuser, I have so many comments, even the UPS guy said something about it yesterday: "your house smells like a peppermint." Yep, that it does.
This 15 mL bottle packs such a huge punch. It's very strong in scent. much like other Simply Earth oils so it doesn't take a lot at all. I generally put 4 drops in my 150mL diffusers. I use this oil in my office a lot. It helps to keep my mind sharp and focused, ready for working and reviewing. It's the perfect sized bottle to keep at the desk or in a small container in the drawer. We also use it for nausea. When inhaled, it can help get rid of that nauseous feeling.
Peppermint oil is considered to be an "everyday oil." This means that it's one that you can get a lot of daily use from. Here are just a few of the benefits of peppermint oil;
*Increase in mental function
*It helps to relieve hot flashes (who doesn't need that?!)
*It can help relieve constipation, digestion, and nausea (when diluted, DO NOT just drink it straight!!)
Simply Earth is such a fantastic company. They not only have amazing oils, several that I use daily, but they are very conscious of the world around them. 7.5% of every sale they get goes to various non-profit organizations. How awesome is that?!?!?! And the customer service... phenomenal!
***I received my peppermint oil free in exchange for my honest review, but you can get your own vial at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01783QJEM?ref_=cm_rdp_product
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